Post Id: 1121
BSE Listed NBFC For Sale
- The entity is an RBI registered NBFC with classification of ‘B’ i.e., Non-deposit accepting. All kinds of NBFC businesses except deposit accepting viz. lending, investment etc. can be done in the NBFC.
- The entity is listed at BSE. The current market price (CMP) of equity share as on date is Rs.25/- against face value of Rs.10/-. The total number of subscribed and fully paid equity shares as on date are 30,08,900.
- The entity is fully RBI/SEBI compliant.
- There is no dispute or litigation pending against the same and it is an absolutely clean NBFC.
- The NBFC has been managed single handedly by the promoters since inception i.e. 1994 (for the last 26-27 years).
- Due to pre occupation in core business, the promoter could not do any kind of business in this NBFC as such there are no liabilities/NPAs etc in the NBFC. However, bare minimum business activities are being done regularly to keep the NBFC activated and fully SEBI/RBI compliant.
Quotes & Offer
74.99% of Promoter’s Share @ 2 Cr